Thursday, January 22, 2009

36 weeks and counting!

Well, I had my 36 week OB appointment today. I know this picture requires some imagination, but baby boy was not very cooperative today. As you can see he has pretty chubby cheeks, as we expected. The things by his lips are his hands. His hands are squishing his face, I don't think he will look so weird when he comes out (I hope!).He is very active and growing right on track. He is head down and deciding when he wants to come. I am dilated 1 cm and 50% effaced. I am still working 3 days a week and I feel great!


Amber said...

good grief you are a lucky girl to be 36 weeks and working still and feeling great! I'm so jealous.

I'm so excited for you guys. Parenthood is the best thing in all the world. Having a child is incredible.

Keep feeling great!

Knutson Family said...

Oh, what a cute little fetus! haha... Our babies always looked a little crazy in the ultrasound but came out cute enough! We're so excited! I can't believe you're so close! Good luck... sleep as much as you can :)

Sarah Hoffman said...

I am thinking you WILL NOT go to your due date! Just my guess! He is a cutie! Keep me posted!!! :0)
Sarah (from WSU)

michellemcpherson said...

I'm so glad you're still feeling so great!! I'm sure he is going to be quite the stud muffin, I'm getting excited to meet this little you guys

Elise said...

How exciting! I am so happy for you guys. Make sure you keep us updated!

michellemcpherson said...

hey just so you know don't be scared to post some pics of the little guy on here, we'll be checking all the time for updates, I'm sure he'll be changing a lot the first few months, so happy for you two and your new little one