Now, my dilemma is.... I don't want to be stuck with finding a babysitter for a dog anytime we want to leave town. It seems like we are gone a ton during the summer, so this would be a pain. I also don't want to deal with poo and pee on our lawn. I know you can train them to go in a certain area, but still, I don't want to deal with that stuff. Another problem is we would have to fence off our backyard. Fortunately the dog I want (a Labradoodle or a goldendoodle) doesn't shed, so that gives the pro side of getting a dog one point. What should I do? I know everything I just said would point to not getting a dog, but I also think it would be fun to have a good family dog to take camping, on river trips, running etc. Plus, how could I pass up having a cute dog like these?
A New Year, A New Blog
7 years ago